Mile High Cabins

Townsend, Montana

Things to Do


GPS Coordinates (WGS 84)
46° 16' 51.59" North Latitude
111° 14' 48.60" West Longitude

These GPS coordinates are provided for reference only. DO NOT use them for navigation. There are several roads and routes that might get you to Mile High Cabins, but you should use the directions given below.

US Interstate Highway 90 is a primary east-west route. Take Exit 284 near Three Forks and travel 30 miles north on US Highway 287 to Townsend.

US Highway 287 is a primary north-south route, connecting to US Interstate Highway 15 at Helena, Montana.

Townsend, Montana has all the services of a small town.

Bob's Supermarket is a great place to get your groceries, toiletries, and snacks.

Rocky Mountain Supply has gasoline, diesel fuel, basic automotive supplies like windshield washer fluid, oil, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid. They also carry camping supplies, firearms, ammunition, fishing rods, bait, tackle, and fishing and hunting licenses. While you are there, take a look at their great selection of Western clothing.

Full Belli Deli is Townsend's fast food place, serving sandwiches, homemade pizza, jerky, and sausage. Located right on Highway 287.

From Townsend, travel east on US Highway 12 just over 11 miles. The highway has mile markers to help measure the distance.

Around the next curve, at the next marked road on the right, is Ross Gulch Road. This is the end of the paved road. From this point onward, you must have a four-wheel-drive vehicle and you should carry tire chains in all seasons. It is four miles of rough road to Mile High Cabins.

Things to Do

Road Sign

The Broadwater County Road Department recommends four-wheel-drive and 15 mph for all travelers on this road. Ross Gulch Road is part of the neighborhood at Mile High Cabins.

DO NOT attempt to pull a travel trailer or camping trailer beyond this point! If you are pulling a utility trailer with ATVs, UTVs, or dirt bikes, the maximum length allowed in our camp is 18 feet.

Some sections of the road ahead are only one lane wide with limited sight distance. GO SLOW! Some sections of the road are carved from sharp, hard rock, and rocks are continually falling on the road. Be sure your tires are up to the task. Carry a full-size spare tire for your vehicle and a spare for your trailer. There are also steep grades--both uphill and downhill. Depending upon the season and weather, you might find some deep mud holes. Be sure you have adequate traction for your vehicle and load.

Be friendly and considerate toward our neighbors. Even in good weather, with good road conditions, keep your speed below 25 mph. It is not uncommon to encounter range cattle on the road, children on horseback, and cowboys on ATVs.

Most of the neighbors are current or former law enforcement officers and/or veterans. You should expect everyone here to be armed. They will not tolerate rude, crass, or disrespectful behavior. The first place you will be tested is in your driving on the shared county road.

Things to Do
Front Gate

At the front gate, on the first of April, the winter snows are still too deep to drive to the cabins. By the first of May, the snow is usually gone, but the mud remains. By the Memorial Day weekend, the road and the cabins will be ready for our visitors.

After you travel three miles on the dirt road, you will come to a steep downgrade that descends to Greyson Creek. This is a one lane road with two blind corners. Control your speed! At the bottom, turn left onto Upper Greyson Creek Road and travel 0.9 miles to the BENDER sign. The gate is usually open during the day. If you find that it is closed, be sure to close it behind you.

This version of the Code of the West will help prepare you for your mile high adventure.

If you are interested in Broadwater County as a place to settle, you can find detailed information here.

See Policies page for a more complete list of dos and don'ts.

Things to Do
canoe on lake

A young family paddles a canoe on a high mountain lake in the neighborhood.

This page updated 22-May-2020.